What kind of music do you like? CHVRCHES, Mike Snow, a longtime Chili Peppers fan, but a newer Swiftie here, and 90’s rock, rap, and hip-hop. My favorite artist goes by Teaspoon1987 and Tablespoon1985 on YouTube who covers and remixes Rick Astley and other hits. Not surprising, since I’ve been a huge fan of The Monkees since I was little.
If you could get rid of one month out of the year, which month would it be?
If we redistribute the November holidays, nobody could complain that Christmas sales and decorations are out too early.
If you could speak any language, what would it be?
Duolingo and other programs are great for spoken languages, but American Sign Language would be one of the most inclusive and helpful languages to learn. I’ve always been in awe of interpreters and those who know and/or learning ASL.
What fictional book world would you be a part of?
Once upon a time, I would’ve said Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight. Then, when I was reading Veronica Roth's Divergent, I wanted to be a part of Team Dauntless. Now, I just enjoy being immersed in whatever world I happen to visit with each book I read, for better or worse.
Other than a great selection of books, what is something our library offers that you find exceptional?
The bubble wall, obviously! Just kidding, it’s the therapy dogs that visit monthly. In all seriousness, I’m constantly amazed at the variety of children and adult programs we offer; and the Library of Things collection is fantastic!